Intermediate Drawing and Painting

Contact info: Mrs Brittany Mathews - 816.241.5478 - [email protected]

Dear Parents and Students:

Welcome to Intermediate Drawing & Painting. With your cooperation we will work together to provide the best possible learning environment in which the student is successful.

Course Description:

This course emphasizes drawing and painting techniques and media and application of the elements of color, line, form, shape, space, texture and value to good design and composition. Experimentation with a variety of materials will be encouraged. Subject matter will include landscape, still life, portrait/figure and abstracts. Students will be exposed to professional masters' work and learn fundamentals of art criticism and evaluation. Successful completion of Beginning Drawing & Painting is a prerequisite. (Grades 10-12)

Intermediate Syllabus

Intermediate Sketchbook Topics:
  1. Draw and shade 3 trees
  2. Draw and shade a fruit or vegetable
  3. Draw and shade what you see above you
  4. Draw and shade a tool
  5. Draw a watch or another piece of jewelry.
  6. Draw and shade a shoe
  7. Draw junk food and the wrapper.
  8. Free draw and shade
  9. Draw and shade a new toy design
  10. Draw and shade a smidgkerplow
  11. Draw and shade a dangerous flower
  12. Draw and shade an imaginative character
  13. Draw and shade a magnify glass
  14. Draw something out of place.
  15. Free draw and shade
  16. Draw and shade a chair
  17. Draw and shade an instrument
  18. Draw and shade a manmade object
  19. Draw and shade an insect family portrait
  20. Draw the oldest thing in your refrigerator.
  21. Free draw and shade
  22. Draw and shade a pair of sunglasses
  23. Draw and shade a puppet
  24. Draw and shade a reptile
  25. Draw something soothing.
  26. Draw and shade a cold drink
  27. Draw and shade an object from a sport
  28. Draw something from a pet’s point of view.
  29. Draw something or someone you love.
  30. Free draw and shade
Intermediate Projects:

Project 1:
Create your personal sketchbook (Bring a folder, cereal box or snack box)


Project 2:
Skull Drawing - Redefining technical skills with contrast
Drawing on Toned Paper


Project 3:
Ebony and Colored Pencil Still Life


Project 4:
Famous Artist Self Portraits


Project 5:
Mixed Media/Watercolor


Project 6:
Freedom Project 
Students will create a project based off of the word "Freedom". They're allowed to choose any medium of their 
liking to create a successful representation of the word "Freedom". 

Project 7:
Comic Strip Creations


Project 8:
Live Painting Research Project


Project 9:
Collage/Mixed Media


Project 10: 
Wood-burning/Pyrography Project