Expository Writing Fall 2023
Miss Stelmachowicz Email: [email protected]
One semester .5 Credits Dual Credit Course – Concordia University Nebraska
Course Description
- Expository Writing is a course focusing on developing student processes for writing in multiple genres. This writing will include both research-based academic work and creative works. Students will use multiple techniques for idea generating (pre-writing); giving and receiving feedback; finding, evaluating, integrating sources; adapting strategies based on audience and context; revising; and editing.
- Pens, paper, notebook, binder. This class has no textbook but we will be writing a great deal. Please have something to journal in and a binder to hold all of your papers
- Improve abilities to write clearly and concisely
- Understand and improve the writing process to produce more effective texts
- Refine writing abilities in multiple genres
- Expand abilities to give and receive helpful and constructive feedback
- Improve basic information and literary skills
- 30 pages of published (final copy) material covering a variety of genres
- Over 60 pages of typed rough draft work
- One major research project. This will require students to frame a research question and integrate source material while properly crediting their sources
- Essays of definition, division and classification, analogy, cause and effect, comparison/contrast, persuasive, description, and evaluation
- Writing group collaboration will allow them to give and receive feedback on preliminary drafts
- A writing notebook – included will be all written material, drafts, revisions, writing in class assignments, etc.
- A summary portfolio exhibiting their best works
The instructor will…
- Facilitate discussions
- Write along with students and share strategies
- Offer critique and consultation
- Share examples of excellent writing for students to study and imitate
- Assign in and out of class writing prompts
- Guide students in peer review and critique
- Involvement and participation in the writing process (in-class writing, notebook) 30%
- Demonstrated effectiveness of published writing (final drafts submitted) 40%
- Completed research paper 20%
- Demonstrated understanding of editing and evaluation techniques 10%
Late Work
- Late work will affect a student grade negatively. Please communicate clearly and effectively if you are falling behind in the class.
Cell Phone Policy
- Cell phone use is prohibited in this class unless otherwise noted by the instructor. Students should keep phones put away unless they are told they may be used for a certain assignment on the given day.
Academic Honesty
- Every student will be expected to produce his or her OWN work. Anyone caught plagiarizing or cheating will have a meeting with me to discuss the situation. Plagiarism can take many forms. Please ask any questions about citing works, websites, people, etc. to avoid this infraction.