Advanced Drawing and Painting

Contact info: Mrs Brittany Mathews - 816.241.5478 - [email protected]

Dear Parents and Students:

Welcome to Advanced Drawing & Painting. With your cooperation we will work together to provide the best possible learning environment in which the student is successful.

Course Description:

This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Intermediate Drawing & Painting and have demonstrated effective modes of problem solving with insight and reason as they relate to the art form. Students will expand on learned mediums as well as experiment with techniques that will encourage development and growth in varied genresExperimentation and working from life will be stressed as well as art history and art criticism. Portfolio preparation for college and entry into competitive shows will be encouraged. (Grades 11-12)

Advanced Syllabus

 Advanced Sketchbook Topics
  1. Draw and shade a cut open fruit
  2. Draw and shade a pop can
  3. Draw and shade a camera
  4. Draw and shade a zoomed in view of a vehicle
  5. Draw and shade a flag in motion
  6. Draw and shade 3 shoes in a pile
  7. Draw and shade your dinner
  8. Draw and shade a landscape
  9. Free draw and shade
  10. Draw and shade 2 transparent vases or cups
  11. Draw and shade a jacket
  12. Draw and shade 3 things you use to get ready
  13. Draw and shade a present
  14. Draw and shade a salad
  15. Draw a dark object in a light environment 
  16. Draw a light object in a dark environment
  17. Draw and shade an odd expression
  18. Draw and shade the skeleton of a fruit (x-ray)
  19. Draw and shade a melting object
  20. Free draw and shade
  21. Draw and shade 3 morphed objects
  22. Draw and shade a dancing building
  23. Draw and shade a plant with a bug on it
  24. Draw and shade a hand
  25. Draw and shade something that makes a terrible sound
  26. Draw a sticky situation
  27. Draw and shade an umbrella
  28. Draw and shade something quiet
  29. Draw and shade an animal playing an instrument
  30. Free draw and shade
Advanced Projects:

Project 1:
Create your personal sketchbook

Project 2:
Skeleton Drawing - Contrast rendering with the use of shading highlights instead of lowlights


Project 3:
Autumn Watercolor - Advanced techniques using layering and masking of watercolor or watercolor object.

watercolor object

Project 4:
Poem/Book Illustration - through he use of digital media students will build up layers to create the background image for the poem and overlay the text for the completed project.


Project 5:
Pen and Ink Architecture Drawing
Students will create an image of a high contrast building through the use of pen and ink techniques learned in class.

Project 6:

"Natural Disaster" Project
mixed media

Project 7:
Self Portrait (Career/Passion-cardboard, paint, charcoal)


Project 8:
Abstracted Painting


Project 10: 
Reflective Object on Toned Paper

Project 11:  
Cut Paper Narrative (painted or found)
mixed media 

Project 12:
Cultural Representation