Student Life

"The Lutheran High School of Kansas City is a wonderful school for academics, athletics, activities, fine arts, and social growth. I love how LHSKC is a small school were everyone has the opportunity to participate in any activity they want and still have plenty of quality." - LHSKC Alum

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The Lutheran High School of Kansas City believes participating in co-curricular activities has many educational benefits. Ninety-five percent of our students participate in at least one co-curricular activity. Students have a wide variety of clubs and activities to choose from that helps them develop leadership skills, community pride, school spirit and social and spiritual growth.

The co-curricular activities include areas of interest such as performing arts, art, science, leadership, literary, language and much more. We encourage you to get involved in the opportunities our school provides. Through our many co-curricular activities, you will develop skills and talents, which will translate to academic success. We are confident we have a club and/or activity that will allow you to do the things you love and explore new interests. So have fun and get involved!