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Missouri A+ Program

The Lutheran High School of Kansas City is proud to partner with the Missouri Department of Higher Education to offer the Missouri A+ Program to our students. The Missouri A+ Scholarship Program provides scholarship funds to eligible graduates of Missouri A+ designated high schools who attend a participating public community college or vocational/technical school, or certain private two-year vocational/technical schools. Legislation passed in 2016 expanded the Missouri A+ program to non-public high schools. 

Missouri A+ Eligibility Criteria

How Can I Apply?

To apply for the Missouri A+ Program, please complete The Lutheran High School of Kansas City's Missouri A+ Program application. Students do not complete a Missouri A+ Scholarship application for the Missouri Department of Higher Education. Please check with the Community College or Vocational and Technical School you will apply to to determine the documents the schools require in addition to the Missouri A+ seal on your high school transcript in order to confirm your Missouri A+ eligibility.

To apply to the Missouri A+ Program, please click here.

Missouri A+ Forms

To print the Volunteer Tutor form, please click here. 

To print the Job Shadow form, please click here.

To print the Student Resource Center Tutoring Agreement form, please click here.

How Will I Know If I Am Eligible?

The Missouri Department of Higher Education does not provide notice to students of eligibility. Please contact the Missouri A+ Coordinator at The Lutheran High School of Kansas City to check your eligibility status based on the high school eligibility criteria. 

How Will I Receive My Award?

The Community College, Vocational or Technical school you attend will submit a reimbursement request to the Missouri Department of Higher Education by the deadlines established for each term. The Missouri Department of Higher Education will then disburse the funds to the school and the school will apply the funds to your account.



For more information in regards to the Missouri A+ Program, please contact the Missouri Department of Higher Education.

Missouri Department of Higher Education
P.O. Box 1469
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-1469
(800) 473-6757

To visit the Missouri Department of Higher Education to learn more about the Missouri A+ Program, please click here.